ProductivityCast Episode 91 - Should you do what you love as a career?

This episode the guys (I missed out on this one unfortunately) tackle whether you should make a career out of what you love.

For years we've heard the old saying, "if you love what you do you'll never work a day in your life." Just as much though we all know that's not true. No matter how much you love what you do there will be parts of it you don't love and just have to be done.

The concern I've always had for people, and asked many times when the topic arises, is are you willing to attach the stress of your livelihood to this thing you love? While it makes the good days better, will the bad days taint the passion you have? It's a tough decision to be sure.

During the show we also talk about finding passion in the work you do, the challenge of hating your work, and the worst enemy of productivity...apathy.

Give it a listen and let me know what you think about doing what you love as a career.


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