The Midori Travelers Notebook, Bullet Journaling, and Back to School

Here's some ideas as we head back to the new school year for ways you can apply bullet journaling and a Midori Traveler's Notebook to keep things under control.

Collections and More Collections

There are literally dozens of things we need to keep track of when it comes to a child in school. Create a collection for each of those areas (sport, extra-curricular, scholastic, etc.) to keep vital information at easy reach. 

Weekly Bullet Lists

Take some time at the end of the week to update your bullet journal with the things you need to take action on over the next week.  Yes, they can be put into your phone / digital device of choice but when it comes down to it demonstrating good habits of organization and follow-up are as important for our children.

Monkey see, monkey do

Show your children how they can use a bullet journal style system to keep track of their work and make sure nothing falls through the cracks.

Committees everywhere

We so often get volunteered onto committees at school. Using your Traveler's notebook and collections for each committee, you can keep track of details and what needs to be done when, such as those six-dozen cupcakes you now have to bake.

Go big

A Midori Traveler's notebook can handle up to five inserts so if you use one for each child (if you have more, you may wind up with two...bless your heart) you can keep things sorted but still together.

The Midori Traveler's Notebook and the Bullet Journal system or derivatives are a great way to get the year started off right and keep it on track week in and week out.


In defense of elaborate journals


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