Getting things organized around here

Part of the struggle of moving to a new home is finding a place for everything and putting everything in it's place.  I'm going through that effort right now in moving over all the articles from the old blog (there's a lot more than I remembered) and getting them properly tagged for easy reference.  Coming soon (very soon) will be a tag index page to make it easy to find articles around topics that interest you as well as a cleaner structure to be able to see everything that's published here (if you're an avid reader...yay!)
I'm always looking for suggestions on how to make the site better and what kinds of content you would like to see, so please let me know by contacting us. You can also find us on Facebook at theideapump and on Twitter at...wait for it...theideapump.
Step by step things get better every day...

Love and struggle with SquareSpace


Do you finish your notebooks?