Dealing with a lousy website

I don't know about you but I get the majority of my news and information from the Internet on my smartphone.  Now is it too much to ask for our local newspaper to have a website even remotely designed for mobile device consumption?  Not ours.  It's unusable, in a nutshell.  To paraphase the movie, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore."

What did I do?  I used IFTTT, Pocket, and the RSS feed from the newspaper website to create my own newspaper so to speak.  Now I have a rule in IFTTT that monitors the local news RSS feed from the site and creates a new article in Pocket each time something is added.  Pocket does an excellent job cleaning up the content to make things much easier to read.

Hey Mercury...if you want me to see your ads...fix your website.  Until then I'll be reading the ad-free version that's in my Pocket.


I've been running this configuration for more than a week now and I don't think I'd go back to their website even if they fixed it.  The combination of Pocket's clean interface plus Text To Speech has made this a winning combination for my commute to and from work.  I can go from article to article and listen to the newspaper being read to me rather than flipping through poorly designed ads and page layout clutter.


Clutter with a limited future


Managing Ideas with Stage Gate Processes