Hack for adding tasks to Notion

If you’re using Notion as a task manager, here’s a quick tip for entering new tasks. First, create views in your task list database that filters for things such as today’s date, tomorrow’s date, and specific categories. Next make sure you apply the relevant filter BEFORE you create the new task. This way, when you add the new task to the list, Notion will automatically apply the filtered properties to the new task.

For example, if I’m adding a task for today, I go to my Today’s Tasks view first. This is filtered for any task that has a due date of today. Now when I click on the new button from this view, any new tasks created will get today’s date assigned to them. I have a similar view for Tomorrow’s Tasks that makes short work of adding new tasks for tomorrow.

The added benefit of handing task creation this way? If I’m adding tasks to tomorrow, I can already see everything that is on my list for tomorrow to know if I’m overwhelming myself with work and should move something to another day.

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